Magical Thinking Vs Real Psychic Phenomena
Recorded 6.25.2015
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As we enter the realm of subtle energy and of soul, we are confronted with aspects of reality that seem to violate physical laws. Near-death experiences, dreams, energetic communications, appearances of signs and symbols — they all seem to communicate deep truth and meaning.

We gain insight from these experiences — even useful information — but since we didn’t access them in conventional ways we can’t prove their validity. Even so, as we open to these experiences, we grow new antennae and sensitivities that help us navigate our world from a deeper ground. We can read and understand other people better, gaining new clarity about our purpose and new power in our actions. Life has more meaning and enchantment.

But…can we make it rain? Or manifest a parking space? And does my dog really know ahead of time when I’m pulling in the driveway?

And how about more far-out claims like UFO’s, crop circles, and the reptilian alien shape-shifters amongst us? Or assertions made by spiritual adepts that they can levitate, walk through walls or contact the dead? What are we to make of this when science says no, but we intuit that something more is going on here?

In this Integral Living Room community call we attempt to tease apart real magic from wishful thinking and charlatanism.

The call features a clip of Ken Wilber talking with us about the importance of engaging the subtle realm, “the realm of transformation,” as he puts it.  Some ideas we explore in our conversation are:

  • How the magic stage of development is given up universally as people move to mythic and rational stages — and what can be reclaimed
  • The importance of the pre-trans fallacy in this discussion
  • Distinguishing between first, second, and third person truth verifications
  • How cultivating the enchantment and meaning of the subtle realm belongs to an integral spiritual practice

We hope you enjoy this fascinating conversation, and can join us for our next community call on September 10th.