One way to look at personal evolution is that it is the process of “seeing more.” Seeing more deeply into ourselves, each other and the world at large.

As we practice this we see that each of us has a deep gift, a gift that the world needs. On this call we explore how we get in touch with this gift, thereby helping our higher, better and next selves emerge. Together.

The practice of abiding in a faithful relationship with emergence, that which is not yet fully manifest, is mostly the practice of listening. Listening to each other. Listening to a whisper from the causal dimension with the ear of the heart. Noticing who is coming into our lives,  and what they really have to offer to us and receive from us.

The Integral perspective allows us to see each other in higher resolution, which helps us appreciate each other more. And this is why we get together in the Integral Living Room.  When we connect more deeply we actually activate the emergent parts of ourselves. It’s delicious to be able to appreciate each other as the geniuses we are, and it actually helps our genius manifest.

But how do we as unique individuals bring our gifts to form a community?

There is a proficiency in moving our attention from self to other, from the individual to the collective, and it can be practiced. This, too, is a goal of the Living Room.

On this call Diane leads all of us in a practice of checking in with our experience of our gifts, first from the perspective of the egoic self, and then from the perspective of the liberated self. These are both available to us at any time.

At the end of the call, Terry reminds us that even though the Living Room is happening at the end of May, we can prepare for it now. Tune into your soul. Take some time in your silent moments, gardening, washing dishes, waiting in line, to tune into your deeper dimensions. Be patient and abide in this receptive learning mode. The ways we’re ripening now will be present in the room when the event happens.

Gifting Your Genius
Recorded 3.6.2014

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